passion for research and innovation

Aneva Italia creates, operates and manufactures in Italy to protect an originality recognised the world over.

Founded in 2008 as a contract manufacturing of dermo-cosmetic , over the years Aneva Italia it has specialized in medical devices and dietary-nutritional product. Today we provide services to national and international companies operating in the distribution of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products , medical aesthetic devices market and specialized shops.

Cosmetics and Food Supplements

Aneva Italia has three production departments and two packaging divisions to offer a complete service, from primary to secondary and commercial packaging.

The production departments are organized as follow:

  • medical devices
  • cosmetics
  • food supplements

The production is specialized in the formulation of products for gynecology (vaginal lavages, ovules, specific cleansing agent), otolaryngology, (oral sprays, gingival gels, mouthwashes), dermatology, (treatment shampoos and lotions, dermatological creams, sprays), food supplements , (multivitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, antioxidants, mineralizing), cosmetic, (skin care, antiaging).

close to the customer

High quality standards, research and innovation but also being close custmers' needs are the three main goals for Aneva Italia.
We are focus on designing and developing effective and reliable products with a high value for those who buy them. What sets Aneva Italia apart is the ability to offer high quality standard solutions and take care of customers' need.

long-term experience

After twenty years of its founders' experience in the field of natural medicine and dermo-cosmetics production, Aneva Italia opens its departments also to medical devices and food supplements production for third parties.


  • Passion and attention for quality;
  • Research and development;
  • Care for nature.

Our tests

Cosmetic industry testing on animals has undergone a continuous and growing evolution towards ethical and moral sensitivity over the years, initiated by the seventh modification of the 2003 Europeans' Rules and then confirmed by the European Regulation 1223 / 2009.
Well before the new provisions were adopted, Aneva Italia implemented alternative methods, such as in vitro tests that were trusted by many research centers with which Aneva Italia has been collaborating for years.

The methods used today are different, all scientifically validated in order to guarantee the safety of a cosmetic product without intervening on animals.

scientific advancement

Thanks to the experience gained in the sector, Aneva Italia has signed many collaborations with some Italian Universities. The latest projects are: S.I.S.T.E.M.A. (Development of new methodologies and innovative tools for the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of uMa epithelial tumors)with the University of Salento and the identification of new molecules for the therapy of ovarian tumors with the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (Di.S.Te.BA). On these topics, the experimental activity led to several international publication.

“Formulation and Chemical Stability in Aqueous Media of Cannabidiol Embedded in Cardanol-Based Nanovesicles, DOI:10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b01658”

Research center

Patent formulas

Academic paper

Research Project
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